Derma-Tech strives to offer the most updated and innovative cosmetic treatments for all patients. We are laser therapy specialists, using a variety of different lasers in many of our procedures. IPL laser therapy is one of our most common treatments, offering relief from wrinkles, spots, and unwanted hair. It can be used to remove several blemishes, meaning it might be a suitable treatment for you.

What is Intense Pulsed Light?
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, which is technically considered a type of laser treatment. IPL is a light that consists of multiple different wavelengths and is usually scattered in a broad area on your body. This differs from more traditional laser therapy techniques that apply a more concentrated beam of light consisting of one wavelength.
How Do IPL Laser Treatments Work?
The treatment begins by selecting the correct device to provide IPL light to the treatment area. At Derma-Tech, we use the Lumenis M22 Laser as it is virtually pain free and delivers the best results. It works by delivering pulses of light energy to the specified area. As mentioned, these light pulses are scattered and contain multiple wavelengths. When they come into contact with your skin, the light pulses will look for any pigments that don’t match the healthy tissue.
Consequently, the abnormal pigments will absorb the light, generating heat energy. From here, the heat will break down the pigment and destroy it. As a result, these pigments will eventually be absorbed by the body, making them disappear.
A typical IPL laser treatment needs at least 4-6 sessions before the full results show. Following the treatment, you will have to wear some SPF protection to guard your skin against sun damage. That’s an important measure in preserving the positive effects of the treatments, but it’s one you should be following already!
IPL Laser Benefits
As mentioned above, IPL laser treatment isn’t painful. This means you don’t have to worry about any skin irritation or long-lasting side effects. You may feel some extra sensitivity, but it’s not enough to stop you from going about your daily life.
The main benefits of IPL laser treatments are that they can resolve a variety of skin concerns. This includes sun damage, age spots, unwanted freckles, birthmarks, varicose veins, broken blood vessels, etc. Therefore, it can clear up your complexion and get rid of many problems that have plagued your confidence for years. It can do all of this without resorting to any invasive procedures whatsoever.
Am I a Candidate for IPL Treatments?
You could be an ideal candidate for IPL treatment with the M22 laser at Derma-Tech. If you suffer from any signs of hyperpigmentation – including any of the issues listed above – it might be perfect for you. It’s also a great treatment for anyone that doesn’t want a surgical or invasive procedure. However, results can vary based on your skin tone or texture. Don’t worry; this will be discussed when you book a consultation, ensuring you only undergo this treatment if it is right for you.
Take the Next Step
Ready to learn more about Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments? Schedule your in-person consultation at Derma-Tech Medical Spa in Joplin, Missouri today. You can fill out the contact form on this page or give us a call at (417) 206-4884. Serving the greater Southwest Missouri area.
*Individual Results May Vary.